Recently, the Lead India campaign has generated a lot of buzz and interest among the masses. The advertisements in particular have been quite thought provoking. I happened to see the ad where Amitabh Bachchan talks of India now waiting for a leader who can take us to our rightful place in this century and that we are eager to hand over the torch to this ‘chosen one’ who will guide us to greatness. This ad triggered a chain of thoughts in me…
What is our fascination with “Leaders”? Why do we always look out for someone to lead us? Is it ingrained in our psyche? Are we so deeply entrenched in mediocrity that we have no alternative but to follow someone’s lead? Is it really that difficult for an individual to lead himself (or herself)? Imagine an India where everyone is competent to lead himself! That would indeed be a true awakening of a nation. But is this a utopian thought or reality… I’ll let you ponder on this.
Finally, Lead India looks like a reality show given a jingoistic twist to entice the mind of the viewer in this era of mind-numbing reality series. Irrespective of what the promoter’s aim was, the subliminal message that we actually need a show to find a ‘leader’ in nation of more than a billion hurts the free thinker in me!
The entire system of leading and being led is due to the fact that we are not good managers or planners.
so when things fall flat on their face we want some 'bakra' who ll be tied to the whipping post and lynched.
If we did our good deeds for the day and followed simple civil norms, it would be much more closer to what you often term as utopic .
isn't karnataka functioning normally, if not better without leaders? In fact, traffic in central Bangalore seems to be much better these days. why cant we revert to a union territory, if it was so good?
why as a nation do we NEED policemen to keep us in our lanes?
cant we just stick to the proper side of the yellow line when there is one?
I think ours' is the only city in the world where police has resorted to riveting stones/cement blocks in the middle of the roads to keep our silly heads safe.
The greatest need to be led and disciplined is truly a reflection of how utterly childish we are, despite our outwardly modern outlook.
lead India is just another gimmick by a sensationalist news channel to gain TRPs.
I think i have a different perspective. I met a couple of participants and i asked them why LEAD india. I think there is a leader in each one of us, as rightly mentioned by you. Reality shows are meant to highlight the talent and hence inspire the dead spark in general public. Lead India was a show to bring forth people who have fought with odds inherent in system to do something concrete and meaningful in society. It involved a discussion on practical experience, how to make things run, public private partnership. So, they were talking and highlighting a different set of talents. If i look at it objectively, i think its a better use of my time than watching a dance show for an hour.
And if this can give ideas to people and make them aware of rights or inspire them, even better. :)
Utopian. At least in my opinion.
*Why do we always look out for someone to lead us? Is it ingrained in our psyche? Are we so deeply entrenched in mediocrity that we have no alternative but to follow someone’s lead?*
*hmm* Isn't that a little too harsh?
Rather than look at it as following someone's lead, I would like to see it as 'following a better example'
We as a society tend to be quite cynical.The cause of our inaction (read as lack of leadership initiative)could be avarice,complacence,indifference or anything else.
Garima is quite right when she says that a show like this could serve to inspire.
Is it utopian to expect each individual to be the best he/she can through just means??
The show may or may not light that elusive spark of action in people, but one thing I am certain of is that the promoters had other things in their minds when they conjured up this concept!
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